Local High School Key Clubs
We sponsor and support our local schools with the following Key Clubs. Each Club is independently run with a staff sponsor that only facilitates an elected governing board. The students as a group select a project for the club to be engaged in, plan fund raiser for and participate in the projects goals.
Each Year the Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis gives a scholarship to a Key Club member at one of the schools. Applicants are selected by a Kiwanis committee based on a set criteria.
Fort Pierce Central Key Club
Lincoln Park Academy Key Club
Westwood Key Club

Dr. Sesus Reading Program
Every year on or around Dr Sesus’ birthday, The Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis goes to three local schools, Fairlawn Elementary, FK Sweet Elementary and St Anastasia Catholic School to read to the kindergarten classrooms. Each student gets a gift bag full of pencils and stickers. The Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis donates $250.00 to the schools library program to further the reading of the students in the school.

Kiwanis Bring Up Grades Program
The Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis supports the B.U.G. program in order 7 local schools. The program gives students the incentive to raise their grades in all subjects by one letter grade yo receive an award and a gift at the end of each grading period. For those that have straight A’s it offers an award for being a “Super Bug”. This helps all children achieve better grades or maintain them. The program works not only with incentives but also has a mentoring program to help those kids that need extra help.

St Lucie Sheriff’s PAL
The St. Lucie Sheriff PAL provides local youth with a positive nurturing environment to develop different aspects of their lives including but not limited to; academics, athletics, social interaction, life skills, leadership skills, the arts, and community service. PAL has been offering programs to all youth in St. Lucie County, with particular focus on at-risk youth since 1995. Visit them at https://www.stluciesheriffpal.com for more information.

Indian Hills Summer Youth Golf Program
Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis proudly is the major sponsor of this wonderful program that teaches youth the game of golf. The kids have fun while learning new techniques, core values and etiquette.

WPLS Christmas Kids
The Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis donate every year this wonder program that distributes Christmas presents to family in need. This program brings a smile to many kids faces that would not otherwise receive a gift on Christmas morning.

Fort Pierce Main Streets “Sight and Sounds Christmas Parade”
Every year the Kiwanis show up early to mark off the route, post no parking signs and set up for the fun day. Around noon the gang shows up agin to register all the parade participants, guide them to their staging position and then send them out in a specific order.
The Kiwanis also sponsor the travel expenses for all the schools bands to attend. Due to budget cuts the band are no long able to attend most event. This funding allows them to be in this parade and gives them a little extra for more travel or other expenses.

St Lucie County Fair’s Education Exhibits
The Kiwanis has for many years been involved in the St County Fair’s Education building. In fact, the Building is named the Kiwanis Exhibit building because the Kiwanis funded part of the construction cost of the building.
Every year the local public and private schools come out to present their art work bases on a fair theme given to them. The Kiwanis then supply independent judges who rank the schools exhibits base on a set criteria. They’re judged on student participation, on theme and their presentation. The schools are broken into three categories, High School, Middle schools and Elementary schools. Each category has a fist place winner ($1,000.00) second place winner ($500.00) and third place winner ($250.00) and an out of the box ($250.00). The out of the box winner is pick as the school that maybe was not on theme but excelled in its presentation.
Then during the fair the Kiwanians man the building with voting machines that are provided by the supervisor of election, so that everyone can vote on the “people Choice Award” ($1,000.00). This award gets the public involved and teaches young people how to vote all at the same time.

IRSC Foundation Scholarships
The Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis gives every year to the IRSC Foundation for local scholarships. This money is ear marked for local St Lucie County School students.

Fort Pierce Little League
The Ft Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis supports the kids at Ft Pierce Little League. This organization teaches principles like self respect, team support and sportsmanship. Just another way Kiwanis makes a difference in our community.